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November is National Adoption Month

Updated: Nov 14

Keys Facts and Statistics about adoption

Most adopted individuals are satisfied with their adoption and have overall life satisfaction.

  • 68% of individuals adopted via private-domestic adoption are satisfied or neutral about their adoption

  • 84% of individuals adopted via intercountry adoption are satisfied or neutral about their adoption

  • 73% of individuals overall who were adopted are satisfied or neutral about their adoption

An overwhelming majority of adopted individuals are satisfied or neutral about their education, career and family status.

  • 86% of individuals adopted out of foster care are satisfied or neutral about their education, career and family status.

  • 83% of individuals adopted via private-domestic adoption are satisfied or neutral about their education, career and family status.

  • 91% of individuals adopted via intercountry adoption are satisfied or neutral about their education, career and family status.

What’s more, the National Survey of Adoptive Parents found adopted children are more likely than their non-adopted peers “to be read to, sung to or told stories to, and eat meals with their family every day and to participate in at least one organized activity.”  

If you ever need more time or feel unsure we encourage you to speak up. This is your adoption plan and you should only sign when you feel ready. If you change your mind and decide to parent we are here to support your choice!


The above data comes from Profiles in Adoption: Adult Adoptee Experiences,” a report published in 2024, and “Adoption USA: A Chartbook Based on the 2007 Survey of Adoptive Parents.”

** The 2024 National Adoption Month theme is “Adoption Promotes Strong Futures,” a tagline that highlights the success and happiness those who were adopted experience throughout their life. Use the free graphics, meeting background, sample posts, and sample email messages available in the outreach toolkit and show your support for National Adoption Month this November.

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If you found this article useful, you might also find this useful: What is open adoption?


  • If you would like more information on adopting a child from India, click here.

  • If you are pregnant and wondering whether adoption could be the right option for you and your baby, you can contact us any time on (800)-969-6665 or by filling out this form.

  • Adopt International is a non-profit organization. We provide extensive support and assistance to expectant mothers who are considering adoption for their child. Learn more here.

  • If you are a family who is considering adopting a child, learn more here.

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